Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Pants Song

This book is written by Giles Andreae and illustrated by Nick Sharratt. This book is about many different kinds of pants that different people and animals wear . Pants is quite literally a book about pants. Pants is a celebration of pants of all shapes and sizes " pants to pick a daisy, pants for being lazy, pants on your head when you've gone crazy

This book consists of vibrant illustrations and short rhythmic phrases that describe the pants. The simple language and accompanying pictures make this book accessible to children of varying abilities.

My thoughts on this book is that it is pure fun silliness. If your child is in that toilet learning stage where they like to show everyone their underwear and are puzzled that others don't seem to share their glee. Children will love the bright colors and all of the rhyming text.The simple language and accompanying pictures make this book accessible to children of varying abilities.

I would ask my students the following questions:
1. How many of you learned to potty train using a song or a book?
2. Do you remember what it was about the song or book that helped you?

Classroom activites:
1. Have the children to bring in a pair of pants and decorate the pants to their liking to make them as wacky and tacky as possible.
2. Have the class to make up a class room song that will help those who haven't quite potty training under control yet.

Published July 7th 2005 by David Fickling Bookes

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