This book is written by Julia Donaldson and illustrations by Axel Scheffler. George was considered to be a very happy giant in town who enjoyed being the scruffiest giant in town. He was walking through town one day and saw a shop stocking giant -size clothing and decides he needed to change his image. George becomes a new man with his smart clothing. As the giant began to go home he came in contact with some animals who needed some help. He gives each one of the animals a piece of his clothing to help them out.
The illustrations in this book are full of descriptive words, a smart stripy tie. Also the use of rhyming is evident in the book followed by repetition.
I would ask my students the following questions:
1. Why do you think the giant wanted to change his image?
2. Which one of the animals in the story do you think needed the giant help the most? Why or why not?

Classroom activities:
1. Have the students to read the following verse and decide does it rhyme? Why or why not?
My tie is a scarf for a cold giraffe,
My shirt's on a boat as a sail for a goat,
My shoe is a house for a little white mouse,
One of my socks is a bed for a fox,
My belt helped a dog who was crossing a bog
2. Have the students to create an alternate ending to the story.
My personal thoughts on this story is that it will appeal to children of different ages . It teaches teaches children the meaning of sharing and helping out someone in need. The story make children think of others before they think of themselves.
Published in Great Britain 2002 by Macmillan Children Books
Text copyright 2002 by Julia Donaldson
Pictures copyright 2002 by Alex Scheffler